Ep. 27 The Business Case

I have an exciting announcement in this episode! After studying Business Sustainability Management at Cambridge University online, I’m becoming a Sustainability Consultant.

The course was intense and thorough. We learned about the challenges we face, but also about the big corporations and small businesses who are doing amazing things for society and the environment.

I’ve known personally that being more sustainable is less expensive, feels better, and is actually fun, and now I can make the business case for it so that will be the topic of this episode.

The focus of my work will be hotels and coworking spaces because they have so much potential to make a big impact, and it will be fun!

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The term “greenwashing” actually originated with the hotel industry! The term was coined by Jay Westerveld when he accused hotels of doing too little by requesting guests reuse towels. He claimed it was only to save money, not because they care about the environment.

Is Terra optimistic?

Still half and half, but I’ve seen big companies making meaningful changes so I think we’re moving in the right direction. Policymakers are still not impressing me, and I think businesses have an opportunity to get ahead of potentially intrusive policies by being proactive.

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