Ep. 28 Groovy Interior Design

Today’s guest is an interior designer, entrepreneur, mom, and a wicked awesome Color and Pattern Mixologist.

Welcome, Nan Krueger!

It makes sense that she’s an interior designer. her parents were amateur designers--they owned a few houses over the years while she was growing up in the 70’s, and she remembers playing with their fabric samples and drafting supplies. Their furniture templates fascinated her; she drew floor plans for countless imaginary homes.

She went on to earn degrees in art history and interior design. Over the past 25 years, she’s worked for several designers, taught design classes for two community education programs, and volunteered at historic houses.

She started Groovyhome because she believes that your home can be your sanctuary, without the pain of renovating. She believes in repurposing when possible, basing your layout on your lifestyle, and using interior design to make the most of the space you've already got.

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Where to find Nan online

Is Nan optimistic?

A little, because more people are on the bandwagon. She sees progress from businesses but not quite enough from politicians and government. We all have to do our part.

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