Ep 16: Garden Like a Mother

Today’s guest helps moms and busy women learn how to grow fresh food at home with confidence and ease so they can lead their families in living healthy, happy, and intentional lives.

And she’s so chill. I love her calm vibe.

Welcome, Danielle Smith.

In this episode, we’ll talk about why gardening is so healthy, how to follow nature to prevent pests without using chemicals, and how to make it easy to grow your own vegetables.

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"It's absolutely critical for us to connect with our food system."

-Danielle Smith

Where to find Danielle online


  • cover cabbage with row cover cloth to prevent destructive bugs

  • feed the birds and they’ll chase away beetles and other pests

  • know the life cycle of plants and insects to avoid chemical pesticides

Is Danielle optimistic?

Yes, because what’s the alternative?

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