Ep 11: Spiritual Life Coach
Let’s get a little woowoo!
This week, I’m talking with soul coach, Lisa Rose.
She tells us how to make a personal altar and what she includes on her altar to make it grounded and close to the earth.
Lisa helps creative women who've already had a lot of successes to create a more deeply satisfying life by getting in touch with their soul to understand its gifts, characteristics, and desires and use that understanding to create a life from the inside out so they feel like they are truly living.
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If you make a personal altar for meditation or your spiritual practice, make it seasonal and use natural materials to feel grounded.
Japanese incense is clean and made like fine wine.
Use reef-safe sunscreen in the ocean.
Glass jars are a good replacement for ziploc bags.
Shredded paper makes good (plastic-free) packing material.
Is Lisa optimistic?
Yes! She found hope in the clean water and clear skies during the covid lockdowns. And as usual, the younger generations are giving us hope.